Friday, September 17, 2021

Claiming Your Personal Freedom - a clubhouse conversation

This was my share today from Clubhouse conversation around "claiming your personal freedom. Visit for more shares on my notes from all the great speakers on stage. My share was about how as humans we are judgmental and our stories in our heads sometimes fester into what is not really happening. Those stories can hold us hostage and it might not even be what is really happening. Mastering the art of living without Regret has helped me. Understanding that God will never give us more than we can handle and that everything that is happening in our lives is to make us stronger, or understand something better or differently and we can chose to learn from everything that happens to be a better person and make the world a better place. My notes: -Jen shared Freedom to take the NEXT action! it is a choice and when we chose to take action that is freeing. -Sam - talked about our beliefs. Our choices revolve around our beliefs. if you believe you are free to control what you can control and taking action you can live a more free life
-Julie - part of the saying.. (bogato Begive?? didn't catch name) - what belongs to someone today, What belonged to someone yesterday, and what belonged to someone yesterday belongs to someone today
saying: "Don't Forget to Go Confidently"
-Amanda shared an outlook when someone is wrongfully accused, how do they deal with that mindset to be free while in prison? our mind is our lens how we see things. We are bound by change of mind - and how we chose to think
-Michelle - Freedom to let go - that fear, struggle etc can hold us captive. She shared about the reticular activator system is picking up information all around us and filtering and sorting that information to us
-Simon - Being good to yourself, your family and being good to everyone else
-Antoine shared how he was in prison for 7 years. lost everything.. job, apartment, everything. he discovered none of that really mattered when he realized the only thing that matters was him! Nothing on the outside matters - everything on the inside does matter.

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