Friday, February 25, 2022

Living and Abundant Life EVERY Day no matter what job you have

Today is a share on how-to live-in abundance every day no matter where you are, where you work or whatever is happening. If you treat every day as a steppingstone to your perfect life, what can you take from every day to learn and move you towards that perfect life. Dragging through every day will not create the magnetic force to attract the next opportunity, relationship, etc that will keep you on your path towards your perfect life.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Find more time in your life

Tips to get control of time and how to find where your time is going. 80/20 rule and what that really means to you. Calendar Tracker can help you find where your time is going. How to protect your most important time in an office atmosphere. Schedule "ON" time on your calendar. Lastly I share my David Allen Getting Things Done system for only scheduling things on my calendar where I personally need to be there.

CRAP HAPPENS! How do you keep going?

CRAP Happens.. Great conversation around how to keep moving forward while life throws STUFF at you and works hard to knock you off track. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Building an inflation proof, recession proof business

Every eventually will need your product or service. How often would they use or need that? Business is local. Get local relationships and connect. 5 a day, 100 per month, 1,200 per year. Divide that number by the average time frame your product or service is used. In Real Estate if they move every 10 years, then 1,200 divided by 10 = 120 people moving EVERY year!!! Every YEAR! Get local and build a pipeline to feed your business in any market conditions.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Conversation of LOVE on Valentines Day

In this conversation I share how loving people and in relationships, is to remember everyone is an equal. We are all humans on this planet and if you consider everyone is equal, one not better than the other, and love that it allows that love to stay around. People do things wrong and sometimes those people do need someone to love them and care enough to get past the mistake. For me, in relationships, realizing the "grass is not greener on the other side" it is most likely just more of what you have now.. so that commitment at Marriage and to say the words "For better or for worse, in sickness and in health" and to say the words and keep the words true.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Leadership styles

Stay curious. I share how leading from the back of the room is my style. BOOK: Jim Collins, Good to Great. Most successful companies have humble leaders.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

How do you live your life? Are you leading it?

in this clubhouse conversation at the Acheivers Breakfast club the conversation today was about "Are you the lead in your life?" In this segment I share that you get to chose if you are lead. Living without regrets. Don't try to be someone else - be the BEST you! Remember the formula E + R = O , Event happens + your reaction = outcome you will have, and if you don't like the outcome, can you make a change? can you take action to move the event to change to a better reaction? or if you have no control, can you change your reaction to change your outcome.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Raising an Amazing YOU - 15 point plan share

Today's share about raising an amazing self was that, personally, I always stay aware of things coming through my day, and finding "new" things to make me a better person. Just yesterday, I heard of the 15 Point Plan for the first time, and this has been around for quite a while. Not sure how it hadn't found me until now, other than this was the topic for the conversation today. Doing these 15 items each day to change energy level every day.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Communication... made easy?

If communication were easy, we would all do it better, right? It can be "simple". Typically issues, rumors, problems, etc are created from a lack of great communication. In this share I discuss how adding communication points in everything you do. Adding 2-way human interaction in every process you have can help eliminate the time consuming "issues" calls that take time to diffuse or prevent others from creating a story in their head that isn't true. I talk about how David Allen's, Getting things done book to do a mind dump so you can clear your mind, be present when you are with others and then have those systematized follow up reminders so you can avoid distractions and thoughts that prevent us from being present.