Monday, October 11, 2021

Leadership - What Leads a Leader conversation from Clubhouse

In this clip, I share my perspective on leadership and how I have lead throughout my journey as a leader. Glen Morshower shared how what leads him is the legacy he is leaving as a successful TV and Hollywood actor. I shared that I have found too many people in leadership positions feel as though they need to still prove something, or prove they should be in that leadership role. In actuality.. they are in that role because of something they already did to get there. In the book Good to Great, Jim Collins study's the long term success of good businesses and GREAT businesses (those that are still growing and lasting longer than 20+ years) Also, that I look at leadership as the vision (guiding), coaching (accountability), teaching (basic fundamentals needed) and consulting (nudging when they need it) Also shared the difference of being a - Dependent leader (they need you to follow and you carry the weight) - Independent (they go off on their own and work alone) -Interdependent (we become partners - collaborate - stake holders - The BEST way to lead)

Also shared on this call - Leading from the front - posers.. we talked about leading with vision from front of room and then going to the back to grab a "to do" and get to work with the group. Leaders have blind spots. A coach can help uncovers those blind spots Inspiration and motivation comes from pain and pleasure and knowing how to use those to get the team where they want to go Glen Morshower: What leads me? My Legacy. Every day he remembers how he did it, and do IT with clarity Tony shared that some people do that role for money.. I shared that is what leads to trying to "prove" something vs being able to focus on leading to a legacy of helping that group or organization make amazing things happen as an interdependent leader - joining them. Don asked a great question: What are the qualities of a leader in your life that made them so important in your world? -I answered with - someone that makes everyone feel important
- They make you feel like you are the only one they are talking to and working with. Bridget shared looking for team player. someone humble, wholy and smart

Kimberly mentioned leading yourself first.. using systems and having that clarity

Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back
Come from the heart. Process, systems and management will be the tools to make the leadership easier so you can stay focused on the heart
We are all emotional beings

Dr Connor: followers need safety and security
Tony - anchor - what is the specific thing that happens and talked about what creating and collapsing the anchors

Cheryl shared - leaders have a "theory" by which you make decisions and lead. Be willing to work.
Dr Devin- constancy of purpose. Have a unified direction
Rick - has website for boss manager test. find me to get the link.. or googe Rick Torrison

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